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Periotome Curved / Straight 2.2mm 1047
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Curved/Straight periotome by MA Dental is a double-ended instrument with straight blade at one end and curved blade at the other. Straight blade works well with the anterior teeth whereas, curved blade works well with posterior teeth.
Periotome curved/curved 2.2mm 1048
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Curved periototome by MA Dental is a double-ended instrument that is designed to be used in dental extractions. The curved blade works well with the posterior teeth.
Microsurgical Periosteal 4.0mm-2.5mm 1057
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MA Dental's Micro-Surgical Periosteal is used to remove interproximal tissue and recontour soft tissue. It is a premium instrument with a 9.5mm hollow titanium coated handle.
Micro Surgical Periosteal 1056
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MA Dental's Micro-Surgical Periosteal is used to remove interproximal tissue and recontour soft tissue. It is a premium instrument with a 9.5mm hollow titanium coated handle.