25 items found.
Middeldorf 20x22mm (Medium) 2402-2
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Middeldorf retractor by MA Dental is used to separate edges of surgical wound or incision and hold underlying organs to view body parts under wound or incision.
Obwegeser external: 11x40mm 2406-2
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Obswegeser external by MA Dental is a dental retractor that is used to displace soft tissue while oral procedure for better access. It has an upward tip that is less traumatic for lips.
Obwegeser internal: 10x42mm 2408-2
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Obwegeser internal byMA Dental is a dental retractor with downward tip that allows for better control of grip when placed on lips.
Middeldorf 26x30mm (Large) 2402-3
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Middeldorf retractor by MA Dental is used to separate edges of surgical wound or incision and hold underlying organs to view body parts under wound or incision.
Obwegeser internal: 12x55mm 2408-3
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Obwegeser internal byMA Dental is a dental retractor with downward tip that allows for better control of grip when placed on lips.