160 items found.
Lower Wisdom Teeth 525-79
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Extracting forceps Fig. 79 by MA Dental is used to extract lower wisdom teeth from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper Molars For Upper Wisdom Teeth 525-67A
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Extracting forceps Fig. 67A by MA Dental is used to extract upper wisdom teeth from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper Roots 525-51A
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Extracting forceps Fig. 51A by MA Dental is used to extract upper roots from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Lower Incisors, Premolar & Roots 525-33A
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Extracting forceps Fig. 33A by MA Dental is used to extract premolars, incisors, and roots from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Lower Molars 525-22
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Extracting forceps Fig. 22 by MA Dental is used to extract lower molars from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper molars, left 525-18
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Extracting forceps Fig. 18 by MA Dental is used to extract upper left molars from alveolar bone.
It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper Molars, Right 525-17
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Extracting forceps Fig. 17 by MA Dental is used to extract upper right molars from alveolar bone. It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Lower cuspids and premolars 525-13
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Extracting forceps Fig. 13 by MA Dental is used to extract lower cuspids and premolars from alveolar bone. It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper premolars 525-7
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Extracting forceps Fig. 7 by MA Dental is used to extract upper premolars from alveolar bone. It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Upper Incisors & Cuspids 525-1
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Extracting forceps Fig. 1 by MA Dental is used to extract upper incisors and cuspids from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers
Hylin elevator 4.0mm 2123-5
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Hylin elevator 4mm
Luxating elevator: Curved 3mm 2101-1
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Luxating elevator byMA Dental reduces the pressure on adjacent teeth while elevating the tooth from its socket. It is used by cutting and rocking vs. an elevator that pries and lifts.
X-tool Luxating elevator kit with cassette - 7pcs 246
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X tool luxating elevators for a painless tooth extraction.
Luxating elevators kit - 8pcs 211
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In this Gift Box you will find the following luxating elevators:• Luxating elevators 5.0 mm – curved• Luxating elevators 4.0 mm – curved• Luxating elevators 3.0 mm – curved• Luxating elevators 2.5 mm – curved• Luxating elevators 2.5 mm – straight• Luxating elevators 3.0 mm – straight• Luxating elevators 4.0 mm – straight• Luxating elevators 5.0 mm – straight• 1 cassette
Extraction Forceps kit - 11pcs 520
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This gift box includes the 11 most-used regular extracting forceps, it includes the following forceps:• Fig. 51A. Upper Roots• Fig. 1. Upper Incisors and cuspids• Fig. 13. Lower cuspids and premolars• Fig. 22. Lower molars• Fig. 7. Upper premolars• Fig. 17. Upper molars, right• Fig. 18. Upper molars, left• Fig. 67A. Upper molars - For Upper wisdom teeth• Fig. 79. Lower wisdom teeth’s• Fig. 33A. Lower incisors, premolars & roots• Fig. 86A. Lower molars
Diamond Extracting forceps set 525
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10 most used diamond coated extracting forceps in a set.
Upper Roots 522-30S
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Fig. 86 Extraction forcep - Lower molars 525-86
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Extracting forceps Fig. 86A by MA Dental is used to extract lower molars from alveolar bone.It is a diamond-coated instrument. Diamond coating is done on the working ends of the forceps to give it a stronger hold on the teeth. It is highly recommended to customers.
Fig. 7 - Upper Jaw 515-7K
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Extracting forceps byMA Dental is used to extract children’s lower jaw molars from alveolar bone.